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Step by step instructions to Expel Rust From a Cruiser Gas Tank

One of the advantages of being to ready to take a shot at cruisers is that you can by and large discover them truly shabby when deal with them is required. Commonly, a bicycle that requirements work has been sitting for some time, more often than not with the tank purge. This implies after some time that rust has assumed control, similar to the case with a 1981 Honda CB650 that I had obtained. To state that this thing had rust in it was putting it mildly; it had pieces of rust. Fortunately however, the tank had no stick opening breaks or anything and was totally strong. Presently to the fun part! I will clarify the way toward expelling rust from a cruiser gas tank. As I expressed, this was done on a 81′ CB650, so it’s custom fitted to that, yet I’m certain it’ll take a shot at most different bicycles.

What you’ll require:


A remark the fuel outlet (I utilized a little bit of hose a little cloth and a bit of dark tape)

Imperative NOTE: CH3)2CO AND Elastic Don’t Blend! On the off chance that you utilize elastic to seal the fuel yield supplant it each time you deplete the CH3)2CO blend as the CH3)2CO will consume it.

Now I will expect that you have the gas tank off the bicycle and that it’s vacant. Here is a well ordered.

Top the tank off with refined water and purge it out. Do this until the point that exclusive genuinely wipe water turns out and no rust can be heard rattling around. I put a hairdryer in the fuel gap and dried it out instantly after

Fill the tank about ¼ with two stroke oil and shake it around then purge it, It would be ideal if you discard the CH3)2CO and other awful chemicals legitimately

I exceedingly recommend introducing an inline fuel channel on the fuel line in the middle of the tank and carburetor. It will sift through any little particles and keep them out of the fuel framework. This framework worked for me, my CB650 pursued like a fantasy cleaning the tank this way!

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